Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Tuesday, Tuesday....

The body is a strange thing, I tell you. Last week was disastrous diet wise. I seriously ate cake for breakfast one day. Like, that bad. But like my mom says, sometimes you have to shock a dieting body. And I guess that worked because I weighed in again this morning and… *shocker!*… I was down another 1.4 pounds. That was the grace of lil’ baby Jesus, I say. Not sure how I pulled it out, but I guess I’m doing something right.

To catch you up to where I am, today marked the 6th weigh-in. I’m right at 12 pounds lost, which is a healthy average of 2 pounds a week. I have 4 more weeks of weigh-in torture left and I’m aiming for 2 more pounds a week to put me at my 20 pound goal. It’s doable, but as we all know, a brined turkey and sweet potatoes are calling my name. My goal is to work my ass off (literally) this week and pull a big number to make up for next week’s luming Holiday. We’ll see how that works out. All I know is that Im thrilled with my weight loss. Hott ass here I come!


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