Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Tuesday Mornings – Part 4

I had my fourth weigh-in for my weight loss challenge. And… I was down 1.2 lbs! I’ll take it. A loss is a loss. So far, I’ve lost every week (some numbers better than others) which means I haven’t had to pay and that total number just keeps inching up! I’m only tenths away from 10 pounds. Yes!

I’ve stepped up my gym routine by trying the gym at 5:45AM! I went this morning and it wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be to roll my chubby ass out of bed. (The thought of 5:30 is way scarier than actually getting up.) To my surprise, the gym was just as crowded at that time of morning as it is at 6:30pm during the week. Except for one difference, the people at the gym at 5:45 seem ultra committed. I deliberately got on an elliptical next to a woman whom reminded me of Jillian from the Biggest Loser. I tried very hard to keep my pace around hers, so not to be embarrassed, and it really seemed to push me.

By 6:45 when I was leaving, all the toned, beautiful Hendersonvillians had moved out and the wrinkley white hairs had moved it. Seriously, I’m guessing the median age at 7am at the YMCA to be about 69. (Hehe.) Most of them just mosey around, drinking coffee while watching the news on the TV’s. It seems like it’s more of a social scene for them as opposed to a work out. Except for the pool area. That’s the best gathering area for the old folks. But, at least they’re there!

So another weigh-in has come and gone. I’m really hoping to get into double digits with my weigh-in next week and really hoping for the day that I can actually see and feel the difference that I’m trying to make. Size 8, here I come! J


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